The multifaceted politics of informality in Jerusalem

The chapter investigates the multifaceted politics of housing informality in Jerusalem arising from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over the city. It stresses the concomitant existence of different kinds of informality in different areas of the city: Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem lying on the Israeli (western) side of the ‘security barrier’, …

The illicit side of urban development: Corruption and organised crime in the field of urban planning

The paper deals with issues of corruption in the planning domain. It centres on thorough analysis of the case of Desio (Milan, Italy), where a recent judicial inquiry discovered several instances of corruption related to the drafting of the local master plan, in an environment characterised by the rooted presence …

Expatriates and the city: The spatialities of the high-skilled migrants’ transnational living in Moscow

The paper focuses on residential strategies and patterns of highly skilled migrants from Western countries in Moscow. During recent decades, transnational migration of highly skilled workers has grown and diversified; as a consequence, residential practices and socio-spatial behaviour of this kind of migrants (the so-called ‘expatriates’) in the destination city diversified as …

Governare l’ingovernabile. Politiche degli slum nel XXI secolo

La crescita degli insediamenti informali chiamati comunemente slum è stata irresistibile negli ultimi decenni, fino a costituire una delle caratteristiche salienti delle grandi metropoli contemporanee. Proliferano ovunque, e non solo nei paesi arretrati, periferie misere e autocostruite che circondano le grandi agglomerazioni urbane del pianeta. Ma come è possibile gestire, amministrare, eventualmente …

The transfer of development rights in the midst of the economic crisis

The paper deals with the transfer of development rights (TDR) in Italy. It presents a comparative analysis of the TDR programs implemented in the twelve capital cities of the Lombardy region in the past decade. After introducing the international debate on TDR and the distinctive features of the transfer of …

Discrete emergence of neoliberal policies on public space

This article investigates the birth and evolution of a Business Improvement District (BID) in Talimhane, Istanbul, which is the first case of use of this instrument of neoliberal governance in the Turkish city. The distinctive nature of the Talimhane BID consists in the fact that it has been developed through …

The Illicit and Illegal in Regional and Urban Governance and Development

Discussions of the illicit and the illegal have tended to be somewhat restricted in their disciplinary range, to date, and have been largely confined to the literatures of anthropology, criminology, policing and, to an extent, political science. However, these debates have impinged little on cognate literatures, not least those of …

Shaping Jerusalem. Spatial planning, politics and the conflict

Shaping Jerusalem: Spatial planning, politics and the conflict focuses on a hidden facet of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the relentless reshaping of the Holy City by the Israeli authorities through urban policies, spatial plans, infrastructural and architectural projects, land use and building regulations. From a political point of view, the Israeli-Palestinian …

Formal Institutions and the Production of Informal Urban Spaces

The paper provides an introductory theoretical framework for this special issue. Firstly, the main weaknesses of the traditional ‘geography of informality’ are analyzed, including its tendency to focus on urban poverty in the ‘Global South’, to privilege its economic causes, and to treat the phenomenon in terms of clear-cut dichotomies. …

A L’Aquila restano abitazioni di emergenza da demolire e monumenti all’abusivismo

Il nostro paese è costellato di illegalità in ambito urbano che amministratori, burocrati e imprenditori usano a proprio vantaggio. Il caso Abruzzo è emblematico: il problema oggi non è più tanto la ricostruzione, ma come disfarsi degli alloggi d’emergenza e delle “casette” abusive. La politica non risponde

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