Planning, pluralism and religious diversity

Religious diversity has significant consequences on the urban environment, and primarily because of the new spaces that it entails. These spaces engender complex problems of regulation, including specific issues related to urban planning. This article will mainly consider the current situation in Italy. Its focus will be on the region …

Corruption in land-use issues: a crucial challenge for planning theory and practice

This paper deals with the question of corruption in the field of land-use planning. To curb the insidious spread of graft and bribery, anti-corruption measures should be built into any planning system as part of its structure. Corruption in the planning field is largely tied to the opportunities that land-use …

Costruire abusivamente è perfettamente ragionevole

Ciclicamente, in Italia, si torna a parlare di abusivismo edilizio, con una certa tendenza, però, a farlo in maniera spesso raffazzonata e approssimativa. La politica nostrana, naturalmente, è capofila di questo pressappochismo. Paiono perciò utili almeno (tre) brevi precisazioni, presentate a grana grossa per questioni di brevità.

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